When was the last time you went on an adventure?

I’m guessing it’s been FAR TOO LONG!

Life is meant TO BE LIVED (and I’m not talking about inside your cubicle). The world is meant to be experienced!

You want adrenaline in your veins and nourishing food in your tummy.

You want to conquer your fears and ride the zipline through the jungle.

You want to have an experience that makes you feel ALIVE.

Healthy Retreat is a luxury travel experience for women who want to feel invigorated, inspired and who want to awaken their inner power!

Healthy Retreat is about connecting with yourself and others. You’ll connect to your innate wisdom and awareness and start to reconnect with yourself so you can start taking action in your life with complete confidence.

This is more than a vacation, it’s an exploration of yourself. (You can’t find this at Disney World!)

Here's what you need to know

  • We’ll be spending 7 days in nature testing your limits and pushing yourself further than you may have thought possible (you’re stronger than you think!).
  • Your health is our #1 priority. We’ll be exploring, hiking, ziplining, four wheeling, and have regular yoga classes and tons of delicious, nourishing food.
  • You’ll have a professional mini-photoshoot and walk away with a sexy head shot to document your journey.
  • You’ll leave with a Master Action Plan (MAP) to keep you on track after the retreat is over.
  • You’ll shift your perspective of what’s possible. After this experience, you may never be the same again. Hello, bigger and better things!

Please note: Healthy Travel participants must be ready for a physically demanding trip and have an open mind! We’re going to be trying new things and testing our limits. We’re strive for minimum breakdowns and maximum breakthroughs.

On behalf of myself, our team and the entire Healthy Retreat Community, we sincerely hope to have the honor and privilege of working with you.



To learn more about this once in a life time adventure, enter your name and email below:


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