Every day you wake up and go through the routine. For years now, it’s like you’ve been running around on the hamster wheel. For a while, it was fine. But now, you want MORE. You want to feel ALIVE again. You want to RECONNECT with who you are and what you love.

Confidence and Clarity is a 6-month long, small group program that helps rediscover who you are so you can get your groove back!

Confidence and Clarity

I  N  C  L  U  D  E  S

  • 2 1-hour coaching calls over 6 months. Your coach will help you get over your fears, find your inspiration, and encourage you to take action.
  • 10 group coaching calls so you can connect with others on a similar journey to yours and learn from each other’s experiences.
  • FIVE week online Confidence + Clarity course that will teach you

    >> How to detox what’s holding you back

    >>How health and fitness improve your confidence

    >>Relationship management for your health and happiness

    >>Handling your finances in a way that makes you feel your best

    >>Living the lifestyle of your dreams
  • Email and text access to your coach so you are never alone in your journey. Reach out whenever you’re having a hard time or to celebrate successes!
  • A guided experience with Kimberly where she will share everything she’s done on her journey and share the strategies she uses each day to take care of herself.
  • Access to the exclusive Confidence and Clarity Facebook group so you can connect with other students and provide and receive support!

After 6 months in the Confidence and Clarity program, clients feel

√     Inspired! They know what they want and are on a mission to get it! (I want that!)

√     At peace. They are less stressed and have a toolbox of strategies to deal with stress and overwhelm. (Yes please!)

√     To themselves and a higher power (God, the Universe, whatever that is for you). They have a group of peers who understand and respect them who are supportive and “get” what they’re going through. (Sign me up!)


Want in? Of course you do!

Your investment for a new lease on life.
On behalf of myself, our team and the entire Confidence & Clear Community, we sincerely hope to have the honor and privilege of working with you.

If you'd like more information on Confidence & Clarity, enter your name and email below.


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